Explore Ghana

Pro's and Con's of the Silent Barter

Pro's of the Silent Barter

  •  Some people would be honest and actually trade.
  • The people who would trade their Salt and Gold for other goods didn't let the people they were trading with know where the mines were so people wouldn't enter the mines.
  • People coming in and out to trade had to pay taxes so the armies would have more money and getting better weapons.

Con's of the Silent Barter

  •  Some people wouldn't be honest and actually trade.
  • The people who would trade their goods couldn't find out where the Salt and Gold mines were so they couldn't enter them and mine. 
  • People coming in and out to trade had to pay a tax which left them with less things to trade with.

The Salt Mines of Ghana

The Salt Mines of Ghana were very important to Ghana's trade environment. At one point salt was much more valuable than Gold because people needed Salt for their health and it would season their meat. It also made food last longer and taste better. The salt would come in large Tablets kind of compressed together so it was easier to unload. The people of Ghana would aslo leave saltwater for a long while in areas so that the water would evaporate and leave the salt behind so they could scoop it out.